GMUBuzz: Mason Things That Catch My Eye

Intrepid reporter, intriguing campus

GMUBuzz: Mason Things That Catch My Eye

What I love about Project Peak

June 11th, 2012 · No Comments · Uncategorized

See my story today at about Project Peak. It’s a “transitional” course offered to freshmen in which they spend a week in the wild with other newbies and learn how to camp, climb rocks, paddle kayaks and cook their own meals over a fire.

Ahoy! Incoming freshmen!

And when the week is over, you continue to meet with your classmates into the first semester, thereby solidifying relationships — with each other and Mason.

I first heard about the program from a friend of mine, Mike, who was one of the “adults” on a trip last year; it was his job to make sure the students were safe and well fed. As he told me about it I grew envious — heck, I want to camp out for a week and do cool and challenging things! Who wouldn’t?

Alas, I’m not a very experienced camper, and I’m a long way from being a freshman. Maybe in the next life . . .


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